Are discussion forums safe places to engage and capture community feedback?

    Yes Discussion Forms are safe places to engage and capture community feedback!. The Bang the Table Moderation Team provides 24/7 independent moderation of all publicly accessible comments. 

    Key focus areas for moderation are:

    • Inappropriate language
    • Disrespectful comments directed at other participants
    • Off topic comments
    • Defamatory or malicious comments

    • Participants are able to alert moderators through an ‘alert moderator’ button included with each individual comment added to the discussion forum.
    • All direct interaction with individual participants including reasons for moderation of a comment or feedback is undertaken independently by the Bang the Table Moderation Team.
    • We will remove any comments felt to be unnecessary or unwarranted by our clients.

    Can discussion forums be facilitated by our staff?

    Yes. As Project Team members your staff are able to be facilitate discussions to elicit responses, evoke or draw out thoughts across possible issues, impacts and opportunities, respond to comments and dispel myths or incorrect information expressed by participants.